We are at the end of 2024, the first successful year of the ‘renovated’ FESTMIH, and we would like to thank you all for your participation, engagement and suggestions.
We are proud to see the next ECTMIH 25 in Hamburg well planned and executed, with an impressive coordination by German colleagues from BNITM (Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine) and DTG (German Society for Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Global Health).
Apart from the planning of the ECTMIH, this year was rich in activities and projects. The website was restructured and made more attractive. The News of the Month was launched in May and provides information on various events, training courses/congresses/scholarships in the field of tropical medicine and global health. The webinar series started in November and is planned for next year with exciting topics and renowned speakers. The working groups have started their work and you are all welcome to join the existing working groups or propose new topics. The first FESTMIH newsletter has just been published, focussing on the World Health Days with an innovative layout and content.
Although the global geopolitical situation is worrying with increasing inequalities and conflicts that are not conducive to the promotion of global health, we as the FESTMIH community should keep the helm of the Federation towards an ethical example to protect the rights of the most disadvantaged communities that are more affected by global health challenges: emerging infections, global warming, antimicrobial resistance, migration and air pollution. Each of us should engage in different contexts for ‘better health for all in a changing world’, which is also the guiding theme of ECTMIH 25.
We wish you all a Peaceful Christmas and a (globally) Healthy New Year 2025.