1st TropNet Travel Medicine Spring School (27-28 May 2025)

The Travel Medicine Spring School, organized by TropNet in collaboration with the Experimental and Clinical Medicine Department at the University of Florence and the Regional Referral Center for Tropical Diseases, is addressed to young trainees and health care workers that work in the field of travel medicine, or that are willing to. 

The course is aimed at improving and deepening the knowledge on several aspects of travel medicine, including pre-travel considerations, management of post-travel health issues, extreme and wilderness medicine and One Health approaches to travel medicine. The course will be held in person and based on interactive presentations with field’s experts and discussion of clinical cases.

Please find more information in the attached leaflet.


FESTMIH is a not-for-profit network of European-based societies working in tropical medicine and global health Registered address: Nationalestraat 155, Antwerp, Belgium
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