Working Group on Migration and Health

Migration is a defining phenomenon of our time. Recent estimates indicate that in 2020, there were approximately 281 million international migrants globally, representing 3.6% of the world population—a trend that has steadily increased over the past five decades1. Providing holistic healthcare for migrants poses a daily challenge for health systems worldwide and calls for the active involvement of political institutions, trained professionals, and civil society.


The Working Group on Migration and Health aims to establish a network of European experts from national societies and organizations affiliated with FESTMIH. Our mission is to enhance understanding of migrant health issues and to advocate for a progressive and coordinated approach to addressing the most urgent challenges at both national and international levels.

Member of the WG Migration and Health

Miriam Navarro (Co-Leader)

Michele Spinicci (Co-Leader)

Francesco Castelli

Belén Comeche

Eric Caumes

Sandra Chamorro

Esther Jurgens

Ana Requena

Carmen Saperas

Sophie Schneitler

Aro Tuomas


1: McAuliffe, M. and L.A. Oucho (eds.), 2024. World Migration Report 2024. International Organization for Migration (IOM), Geneva

FESTMIH is a not-for-profit network of European-based societies working in tropical medicine and global health Registered address: Nationalestraat 155, Antwerp, Belgium
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