The “Société Francophone de Médecine Tropicale et Santé Internationale” (SFMTSI) is the Francophone Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health, succeeding to the “Société de Pathologie Exotique” that was founded by Alphonse Laveran in 1907. Its themes of interest include neglected tropical diseases, malaria, vaccinology, emerging diseases, and all that turns around the “One Health” concept. Its aim is to maintain a network of francophone actors involved in the practice of tropical medicine and the fight against communicable and non-communicable diseases in the countries of the Global South. 

- a free editorial service with the indexed journal “Médecine Tropicale et Santé Internationale” , whose articles are accessible online
- a website that offers a large range of services and resources, including a repository of historical documents covering the last 120 years of medical practice overseas
- a newsletter published four times a year, providing information on SFMTSI activities and issues in tropical medicine 
- Local meetings twice a year
- International scientific meeting (with a Francophone foreign society) every four years 

contact information

FESTMIH is a not-for-profit network of European-based societies working in tropical medicine and global health Registered address: Nationalestraat 155, Antwerp, Belgium
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